Back in the mid-70s, I was a card-carrying member of El Centro Cultural de la Gente. This Chicano-centric gathering space was located in downtown San José, California. One of many Chicano cultural centers that sprouted up across the nation during the late 60s to mid-70s.
Starting in 1970, I was a Photojournalism student at nearby San José State University. Having a camera and a predilection for toting it around. I assumed the role of documentary photographer capturing Chicano art, theater and political activism in San José. This extensive series of color and black and white photographs form the foundation of my series IMAGENES XICANO.
Back in the day, I mostly shot Tri-X black and white film. Once in a while, if there was plenty of light, Plus-X was an option. Yesterday, in Photoshop, I colorized several of these vintage monochrome photographs. What do you think?
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